Thursday, September 19, 2013

Blogging 101

I never thought that I would have had the idea to make a blog about all the random chaos in my life. That's a lie, I've basically known that I would start putting together a blog once freshman year started. I mean, that's when all the mayhem doubles right? Creating a blog isn't so simple though, you have to see who's come before you, what works, and what gets flushed down the toilet faster than you can hit "publish". After going through enough blogs to fill an issue of O Magazine, I was able to determine my favorites and why they were so marvelous.

1) The Lazy Girl's Handbook: 
I won't lie, this blog is insanely helpful to a girl like moi. If you're a person who dislikes buying and testing products with your own money this is the fashion blog for you. The Lazy Girl posts often about the product that she has personally tested, which tend to be inexpensive and require hardly any work. She posts often, the posts are filled with humor, and are relatable by many people.

2) The Bloggess: 
After a long day at the stress-induced domain I call school there is nothing better than laughing it all away. I have to warn that this blog is completely uncensored, and The Bloggess enjoys dropping a few f-bombs here and there. If you're okay with it I'd say read your heart out, literally. Her posts make me chuckle on a daily basis, so this is the best place to look for info and humor.

3) Flavorwire:
Now I know what you may be thinking, "But Grace, this blog isn't written by one person!" Well guess what, I love this blog so deal with it. There are several different areas that Flavorwire covers, but I specifically enjoy the book and music sections. Some of the awesome pieces include ones like "35 Great Travel Books That Will Take You Around the World Without a Plane Ticket," and "Making Music". All of the ideas on this blog are unique and different, something that I hope my blog can be.

All of these blogs have a characteristics that I think that my blog deserves to have. Throwing originality, informative, humorous, and interesting pieces together is what this blog is all about! Here we go, "Life as We Show It" is up and running!

1 comment:

  1. Love your background! Your blog completely reflects your personality and interests, I absolutely love it! Keep Blogging (:
