Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Brilliant Bard

Who created over 1,700 words that are used frequently in the modern age?
Who wrote 38 plays and 150 sonnets in total before he was 50 years old?
Who is one of the most influential writers to date?

Photo courtesy of
If you thought William Shakespeare, you are right. The 16th century poet, author, playwright, and actor is considered one of the greatest writers of all time by many great writers today. Perhaps I'm a bit swayed as a "theatre geek", but there is no denying the brilliance that is William Shakespeare. This happens to be the week of Utah's Shakespeare Festival, but that doesn't mean that I'm not recommending any other Shakespeare fests around the nation. There are an incredible amounts of people who go through the effort of watching, memorizing, performing, and loving the works that came from William Shakespeare including myself.

Now I know some people may be like, (insert sassy teenage voice) "Girl, this is not English, I don't care about some old writer!" Well you should! There are books, movies, blogs, shows, raps, and tons of different things that are dedicated to the bard himself.

  • Shakespeare's Works: Want to find out all about all of the pieces, topics, and themes Shakespeare discussed? Confused about whether "to be or not to be" is in Act Three Scene One or Act Three Scene Two (it's Act Three Scene one fyi)? All of Shakespeare's works translated, defined, explained and analyzed to a science on this site.
  • TED Talks: Maybe because it's my recent obsession, but I adore TED Talks. They are informative, interesting, and eye-opening to even a high school freshman! TEDx talks about the wonders of Shakespeare that include "The Hip-Hop of Shakespeare" and "What Would Shakespeare Think of Us?". I typically listen to Talks on the bus, on runs, and during study sessions, most talks range between five and 30 minutes. If you have time to spare, I recommend listening/watching a TED or TEDx talk about Shakespeare.
  • Youtube: Trust me, I spend way too much time on Youtube. Just researching Shakespeare related videos led me to more places than I would ever think! My favorite video that I found on Youtube was performed by the Reduced Shakespeare Company called "The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged)".
So emerse yourself in the amazing cultural experience that comes with watching a play written by Shakespeare! With all of the festivals coming up, it's easier than ever to find a Shakespearean play near you. Class dismissed!

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