Sunday, February 16, 2014

Party Time

Ugh... Ugh... UGHHHHHH....

Why am I sighing with great emphasis you may ask? <sigh> I forgot to post my Day After Valentine's post before I went to a party.

What have I done. I'm sorry to have disappointed you. I know the drill, dishonor on me, dishonor on my cow, dishonor on my whole family. Why?! It was good, reeeal good. Of course, I can't go back and just edit it or anything because it talked about everything I did on Valentine's Day in a day after perspective. It was fantastic, and now I have failed you. I'm sorry readers, but I do have a surprise for you instead of that post if you'd like! Read on to see my special surprise!

"The Birthday Party"

I actually have a social life. You may be laughing but it is true, this hardcore studier, music lover, and pun enthusiast does have a life outside of our microcosm. I'm not lying, I went to a party over the weekend. Not just any party, a birthday party.

                                Then                                                                                       Now

I go to parties occasionally, not every weekend but also not every other year. When I do it has one of several results:

  • I have to leave early 
  • It's a sleepover 
  • I'm the last one up (typically when we watch horror movies or anything at 2am)
  • I eat way too much food for my own good
  • My parents call
  • My dad makes the same joke about coed sleepovers he's been using for the past year
  • I do something stupid
Yesterday, nearly all of these things happened except the first one! Success for moi! Honestly, it was one of my favorites in a while. See, my closest friends go to a performing arts school about thirty minutes away so I don't see them often. To make it worse, they all live about +40 minutes away. As one would guess, this means I don't party with them often, but when we party, we party hard. 

My best friend, Casey, had his birthday in the past week. This was one of the gifts I gave him, personally I think it would make Nick Offerman proud.
It's beautiful, here's the full pyramid.
Highlights of My First Non-Educationally Related Night in Weeks:
That's Isaac, that's a roof, and yes that
is a slice of pizza.

  1. Seeing my amibros was definitely the best thing about the night. Who cares about girlfriends/boyfriends when you have yourself a mighty fine bro? No drama, more pizza, and more good times.
  2. Making a bed on the roof. You may say I'm crazy, but I love roofs and the thrill from being on one. We took about three giant comforters, fifteen pillows, a portable speaker, four Tumblr crazed teenagers, a pizza, two liters of soda, and several iPhones up on the roof. I can't even tell you how much I loved going up on the roof. I kind of made people go up with me for the rest of the party because it was so great.
  3. Food. Thank you people everywhere for making sure there is food at a party. I would also like to say thank you to Domino's for delivering ten pizzas to the loudest house on the block. Your crust may be thin but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate you.
  4. Tumblr. I said something awkward? Go to Tumblr. You saw something funny I'd like? We go to Tumblr. You find humor in the same things as I? Go follow me on Tumblr. There is no situation that cannot be made better without Tumblr. 
  5. The German Language is really funny for some reason after you've ate tons of peanut M&Ms and drank a liter or so of ginger ale. It started out with an accent and ended with us yelling random words off of the roof. Don't judge my love for roofs.
  6. Little Kids are something I haven't seen in a while. My broski happens to have four younger siblings no older than nine. They would come up to you and say some of the cutest things I've ever heard. "Cheetos aren't cheaters, they're just trying to win!" "Yo mama is my mama and I love my mama!" 
  7. Netflix was a blessing last night. We watched Mulan, Hercules, Sherlock, New Girl, 21 and Over, Scrubs, That 70's Show, Zoolander, and more all thanks to the help of an Xbox One and a Netflix subscription. That's power right there friends. Watching ten hours of television and movies without a flick of the wrist is sign of pure talent.

I arrived at five in the afternoon on Saturday, stayed up till five a.m. this morning, and left at five this afternoon, I'd say that's a success.

Oh, and did I mention, there are still seven days of break? Praise.

John Green's Happy Dance
Office gif courtesy of Mashable
Carlton's Happy Dance
(P.S. If you'd like me to post the Valentine's Day post... I guess I will... if you comment your desire below.)

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